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The Road of the "All or Nothing"

Traveling the road of the “all or nothing.”

There is a place called “nothing” in the statement "all or nothing." It exists, and is exactly what it is says it is. The nothing is nothing. Not one crumb left over in the all or nothing scenario, not one. Only the few who dare to take the risk of the “all or nothing “know the true meaning of the “nothing.”

Is it stupidity that lead me to the “all or nothing place”?

Most will view me as stupid from here on forward. Most will judge me and say that I am naive in my thinking and wasteful in my spending. The funny thing is, I can only agree with the “most” to a certain extent. I am a bit stupid, a bit naive, a bit wistful with spending, but I am on a mission that led me down the road of the “all or nothing”. There are no choices, no shortcuts, and no backing down when you are called to travel the path of “all or nothing”

The path of the “all or nothing” is just what the quotaion says. There are no soft places to fall ,no 911, no hard hats, and no planning for the future. It is a calling to your soul with a loud voice that will not be silenced nor ignored. There are no maps on this journey, no schedules, no rules, and no tour guides.

What does exist on this journey, is an unquenchable thirst to completer the journey. It leaves travelers dry and parched, with fevered determination to find the sweet waters to sustain your soul. When the fountain of the “all” is found and the thirst is quenched that is when the journey is completed


Sometimes the “all or nothing” spares travelers the experience of the “nothing”, and those lucky few are the ones who have set the expectation of outcome as the “all”. Yet, when the destination of the journey could alter the state of the lives of others, navigating the “nothing” is a requirement.

Lives of millions are changed by the select few who have completed the journey after they survived the “nothing” and had the endurance required to lead them to the sweet fountain of the “all”

The sustaining water of the “all” is shared with all once the travelers have conquered their goal. Many lives are changed for the better every time a traveler reaches the fountain of the "ALL"


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