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your cell phone.





Some of the technology used to stalk and cause others harm is complicated, some of it your five year old could do.    There are many things that I should have done that would have helped me minimize my damages.   Technology involves smart people with big words that always frightened me in the past.  I have done my best to find the best written, easy to understand, and most of all effective methods to help you stay safe.  


If you or someone you know is going through a high conflict divorce or has been living with an abusive partner, these next few pages could help them tremendously.  In a manner of days people's lives can change forever with this type of abuse of technology.  If you understand how they are doing it, you can protect yourself.


One day we will have a system that holds perpetrators accountable and our privacy will remain intact.  Understanding how and why someone does this to  another is a key to the solution.


There are many resources in the pages that follow and we will update them on a regular basis.  If you have something appropriate, please send it in for us to take a look




Your computer

The computer is a complicated device and the methods used compromise the computer are difficult to understand. a True hacked device is done by professional hackers and next to impossible to prove.  Yet, there are ways into your email and other online applications that you can protect yourself from. 





State laws. attorney's and law enforcement.


The cell phone.  You can't live without one and you are expected to have one.  It is terrorizing to not feel safe on your phone and crippling when it is used as a weapon.  Find out how this is done, ways to protect yourself, and strenghth to endure if you are a victim.




What is digital abuse?  How is it done?  Who is at risk?  What is being done about it?  Who is doing this? How can I be safe?

Where is the Gray?

Gray should never be underestimated nor neglected.  It is part of the essential fiber of our exsistence.

It frames the clouds, shapes the shadows, softens the hues in the sky, and cools the evening susnset.

It is where lost dreams are found, mismatched socks find their mates, and miracles begin.

lisa boeck jenkins

There are many resources available for you on this site.   This is a great video by Jennifer Perry from the UK who is a cyberstalking expert.  Visit her website at  She has been working on this issue since 2005 and has many solutions.



Cyber stalking is stalking and the consequences to the victims are the same.  Learning to live without fear is not easy and does not happen overnight. Victims need support and tools  to handle stalking and to overcome the emotional turmoil they have endured.  



Every state has laws against cybercrime and privacy invasion, yet every state has a hard time proving these cases.  We have included lists of all the laws as well as interesting articles that may help law enforcement help you.  Law enforcement wants to help but often finds that it's hands are tied in cyber cases and doesn't have the manpower to enforce the laws currently  place.  



The day i lost my air was the day i learned to breathe.  now i smile as i exhale.

"Breathe...take this are much smarter than you think you are..breathe"


"The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it."
 Albert Einstein


The day i lost my air was the day i learned to breathe again.  now i smile as i exhale.

Song of the Day

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